Personality Type & Relationships- ESFP
The Performers


ESFPs tend to:

  • be realistic and spontaneous
  • desire positive feedback from partners
  • social and can improve the mood of the party just by being there
  • be warm & loving without expecting it in return
  • love being in the limelight and are willing to share it
  • have tasteful but lived in homes and environments
  • finds pleasure in allowing partners and others to be themselves
  • be stimulated by food, wine, clothes, travel, etc
  • be stimulated by the senses
  • be very attractive to others and many types
  • love to make others happy
  • generous and warm-hearted
  • prefer for things to be light & happy, although their warmth & affection runs deep.

ESFPs value in their partners:

  • sociability
  • judgement-free
  • optimism
  • ability to express ones self
  • spontaneity
  • appreciation for who they are

 To learn more about Personality Types and their functions,
register for a  Personality Type workshop 

About the author

Michele Burch Reid, MS, founder of LCI,  is an Organizational Effectiveness & Personal Development Consultant and Coach. Michele has a master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, as well as several certifications.  She helps clients create overall satisfaction & potential by tapping into their natural strengths with Personality Type, Emotional Intelligence Training, Biofeedback & other Brain-based tools. Michele’s philosophy is that when you discover what inspires you, you can more easily inspire and lead others. Whether that is in the board room, the class room, or family room.