The Lead Yourself To Excellence Series

Guides You and Your Employees To Peak Performance

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— The Lead Yourself to Excellence Series —


A Self-Guided Coaching Series,

Lead Yourself To Excellence.


Guides You and Your Employees To Peak Performance



From The Desk Of Michele Burch Reid, MS

I want to share something with you …
My new self-guided coaching series, Lead Yourself To Excellence.
After working with thousands of leaders and executives, I’ve been fortunate enough to create several strategies and tools to help them train and develop their teams and employees and grow and develop themselves.
Let’s face it….. many of us don’t have the time or resources for 1:1 training with a professional coach.  I have now put those powerful strategies and tools into books and programs and made them available to all.
These books and programs are an excellent resource for individuals wanting to improve their leadership skills (and we are all leaders in one shape or form), or for leaders of teams that need the blueprint to use to develop their people.
These books can be a gift to your people to use on their own or they can be used together in team meetings.  Whatever your approach or need, these books will give you the valuable information you need to develop yourself and your people.
These books are packed full of actionable steps and exercises to apply the new knowledge to transformational change.
So …. If you’re a leader who has struggled to develop efficient teams and employees
Maybe you might even be doing ok but feel like there is so much more for you…
This may be the answer for you.

You’re In Good Hands…


Since developing these formulas, I’ve been able to help countless leaders and executives develop powerful, effective teams and take the overwhelm out of their everyday work lives. I’ve helped people to develop themselves in ways that have changed both their professional lives, as well as their personal lives.

I’ve facilitated thousands of hours of in-person workshops and 1:1 coaching hours.

I’ve developed and continue to develop impactful training and development programs based on the knowledge I’ve gained from my master’s degree in Industrial/organizational psychology and an extensive list of certifications in leadership, professional and personal development.

Over the years I’ve trained leaders to become more confident, efficient, and relaxed in their role of leading others.


The Lead Yourself to Excellence series


In the Lead Yourself To Excellence series, I take you through the workshops that I deliver to so many corporations, leaders, and teams. It is the blueprint you and your people have been looking for. Now you can offer your teams and yourself the same tools and strategies that all the big corporations do, without the time and the money.

The best part is that you can work through these strategies at your own pace. The pace that works best for you and your teams. You can work through the workbooks together or individually or even a combination of both.

Gone are the days of feeling guilty about not having enough time or resources to train your people.

Gone are the days of feeling overwhelmed.

Gone are the days of wishing you had the same tools, strategies, and training programs the big corporations have.

In the Lead Yourself To Excellence series, you will find self-guided workbooks like:


What do Leaders and Executives say?


If you do one new thing to improve your company’s talent; take them through Michele’s developmental programs. Michele brings incredible insight, clarity, and passion to critical hiring decisions with the information she pulls from personality assessments for interviewees. She trains you from hiring the right talent to fit your teams and company needs to onboarding, to leading your employees and teams through their natural strengths.

Suzanne Miller
, President, SPM Communications, Dallas

KC Hopps Restaurant Management group has used Michele and Legacy Consulting Group for our yearly leadership retreats. While making plans for our retreats, Michele offers guidance on which self-development test she would recommend for everyone, and manages the distribution and testing for us. During the workshop at the retreat, Michele does a wonderful job educating the group, sharing why it is important to be aware of different personality types, and being self-aware of who you are as an individual. Most importantly, she coaches us on why it is important to understand others’ strengths and qualities. I was shocked to know I was an introverted thinker as a VP of the company when we took the Myers Briggs, but now that I understand that introvert doesn’t necessarily mean shy, I am proud of who I am as a leader in our organization, and how I help our organization come together as a cohesive unit.

Our teams always become closer after Michele spends time with us. We come together as a team, we understand each other better, and we are stronger as an organization after. It’s proven results, which is why Legacy Consulting Institute is a house needed at our yearly retreats. We also use Michele’s services for our onboarding testing and for guidance. I highly recommend her workshops and one-on-one coaching to anyone who wants to put time into their people’s self-development and leadership.

Bethany Neal
, VP of Sales, Marketing & Technology

Michele is very insightful, professional, and organized. She is a profound speaker and delivers quality information to bring out the best in others. I recently listened to her speak in front of a large group on how she helps clients understand different personality types and how it affects relationships in the business environment. She is genuine, successful, and big-hearted and would be a wonderful asset to any company she comes across. I would recommend Michele to any professional organization searching to help better their employees in their personal and professional lives.

Mike Jenkins
, Senior Vice President at Country Club Bank, Kansas City

Communication is the key to every relationship – personal and professional. Thank you Michele for helping me to stop, evaluate and communicate on a higher level than ever before.

Michelle C.
, Management and Sales Professional


Happy leading,